Donor News

This month, we’re offering three suggestions for deeper reading on current topics in charitable giving. Bring out your inner academic with this blog post published by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, especially if you’re interested in the latest chatter and variety of...

[caption id="attachment_4848" align="alignright" width="475"] Photo Credits:[/caption] Established in 2011 and named after longtime McPherson High School (MHS) Basketball Broadcaster Bob Hooper, the $1000 scholarship is open to students who have attended MHS for four years and preference of the scholarship is given to a MHS...

Social connections and community impact are two of today’s hottest cultural trends. Combined, they add up to a growing commitment to social impact all across America. But not everyone likes to “do good” in exactly the same way. What’s your ideal social impact activity profile? It...

Your family may be among those who are taking their charitable giving budgets more seriously this year, given the stock market’s challenges, rising interest rates, economic concerns, and anticipated cash crunches. At the same time, not surprisingly, community needs tend to rise during uncertain economic times....

If you’ve supported a particular charitable organization for many years, and perhaps even served on its board of directors, you are likely familiar with some basic concepts of “trust-based philanthropy,” even if you didn’t know that’s what it is called. As a devoted supporter of the...