Author: mccfadmin

Banking fallout and charitable giving, proposed legislation, and what’s on the IRS’s radar Hello from the community foundation! Happy April! As tax time comes and goes for another year, many of you are beginning to address your clients’ charitable giving goals in earnest. With that in mind, our...

McPHERSON --- The McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF) has announced the final totals of their Match Week event. Between Mar. 6-10 over $590,000, with match included, was raised to help build the endowments of 44 county nonprofits. This total breaks the record of $386,000 set...

If you’ve been giving to favorite charities for many years, it will not surprise you to learn that most donors are interested in deepening and  focusing their impact as they maintain the frequent and total amount of giving. Focusing on impact is hard, but it’s easier when you...

Addressing disaster giving, eligible QCD recipients, and tips for your business owner clients Hello from the community foundation! Many thanks to those of you who have reached out over the last few weeks with questions you're hearing from your clients. We're happy to address three of the...

Philanthropy on clients' minds, pre-spring cleaning, and three tax tips February greetings from the community foundation! Even though 2023 is only a few weeks old, we're hearing from many attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors that clients are already talking about their charitable giving plans for the year. As...

MCPHERSON, KAN------ The McPherson County Community Foundation’s (MCCF) annual matching event enters its 10th year of helping build the endowments of local partnering non-profits. Match Week, formally known as Match Day, will take place during the week of Mar. 6-10. A total of $385,000 was...

McPHERSON --- The McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF) will be introducing a new initiative to further the development of McPherson County. Mastermind McPherson County is a three-year program set on creating a process to review and act on county needs. This will be a collaborative...

This month, we’re offering three suggestions for deeper reading on current topics in charitable giving. Bring out your inner academic with this blog post published by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, especially if you’re interested in the latest chatter and variety of...