It’s Time for Match Week & FAQs

It’s Time for Match Week & FAQs

Match Week is just around the corner, and we’d like to address some of the most common questions we receive about the event:

“When is this year’s Match Week?”

Match Week runs from Monday, March 3rd, through Friday, March 7th. Donations are accepted up until 11:59 PM on Friday, and mailed donations with a postmark dated during the week will also count toward the match.

“How is the match applied to each organization?”

This year’s $110,000 match pool is made possible through a combination of our Community Dreams Fund and the Gaeddert Family Fund. Matching funds are distributed proportionally based on the total donations each organization receives during the week. Each organization is eligible to receive up to 20% of the match. For example, if an organization receives 20% of the total donations, it will also receive 20% of the match to support its immediate needs.

“Can I make a donation to multiple organizations with a single check?”

Absolutely! Our team at the Foundation handles all the processing for participating organizations. Simply fill out this form and list all the organizations you’d like to support, along with how you’d like your donation split. We’ll take care of the rest!

“What does ‘other organization’ mean? Can I give to organizations not on the list?”

Yes and no. This year, we’ve introduced a new option to support organizations or funds that are not participating in Match Week or are not eligible for the match. While these donations won’t qualify for the match, we still encourage charitable giving to these causes. You can add a non-participating organization or fund to your donation form, and we’ll ensure they receive your contribution.

“How can I make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from my IRA for Match Week?”

To apply your QCD toward Match Week, donors must submit a donation receipt by March 7th. While the funds from your IRA do not need to be transferred immediately, they must be received by the Foundation by December 31st to count toward your gift.

“Where can I find a list of all participating organizations?”

You can find the full list of participating organizations under the Match Week tab on our website. There, you’ll also find online donation links for each organization, as well as the Match Week Donation Form.

Match Week is our biggest opportunity to make a meaningful impact through charitable giving, and we want to make the process as seamless and enjoyable as possible. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (620) 245-9070. We’re here to help!