25 Jul Inman Community Foundation grants round open Aug. 5
The Inman Community Foundation (ICF) is excited to announce that they will be taking applications for a competitive grants round from their Community Fund. The fund, started to support community organizations through granting, will have $3,000 in available funding. Applications will be accepted starting Aug. 5 and end on Sept. 13.
This grant process will be unique compared to other county grants opportunities, as we will be accepting applications from community groups, regardless of non-profit status.
“Funding from the Inman Community Foundation can help organizations and nonprofits make Inman a better place to live and call home.” Katie Sawyer, Board Chair for ICF said, “The Foundation’s goal is to support programs and initiatives that enhance the community, support residents and continue valuable services.”
Grant funding is made possible thanks to donations towards the Inman Community Fund endowment during their recent Match Weeks. In 2023 the Inman community raised over $140,000 towards the endowments of Inman non-profits.
While applications cannot be submitted until Aug. 5, a preview of the application can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/33bmbax6
Those groups that plan to apply that have not done so before, must first contact Betsy Davis, Director of Community Development for MCCF at (620) 245-9070 or Betsy@McPhersonFoundation.org.
ICF makes grants to nonprofit organizations and community groups in the Inman area with a focus in Arts; Basic Human Needs and Disaster Relief: Children and Youth; Community Development and Leadership; Conservation, Preservation, and Beautification; Education; the Elderly; and Health Care and Mental Health.
Three Categories ICF uses to define projects:
Program – this is the most common application type and should be used for requests regarding programming you intend to offer your clients; Equipment – this process should be used for requests regarding a piece of equipment or technology or other items that don’t change the physical building; and Capital – this process is generally for requests regarding updates to or for a new physical structure.)