This month in Foundation history: Documentary to be filmed in McPherson

This month in Foundation history: Documentary to be filmed in McPherson

In July of 2019 a piece of the documentary ‘Americart 2019’ was filmed in McPherson County. The film, showcasing the creative ability of the American heartland, was brought to the county in part to a $2,500 grant from the McPherson County Community Foundation. The film was shown at multiple indie festivals and can now be found on several different streaming platforms

2019 story from the McPherson Sentinel:

McPherson will be one of 10 communities high­lighted in a documentary film about the arts in cities along I-70.

The film, titled “#Americart 2019,” is being made by Legit Pro­ductions, a filmmaking company based in New York City.

“Anna Ruxlow (direc­tor of the McPherson Museum & Arts Foun­dation) and I have been working together to make this opportunity happen,” said McPher­son Convention & Visi­tors Bureau Community Information Coordinator Anne Kirchner. “There is great potential for state, national and interna­tional attention.”

The documentary will focus on communities that provide art oppor­tunities to all ages and social economic groups.

”They contacted us about a month ago to see if we wanted to be part of a documentary focusing on art and culture along the I-70 corridor,” Kirch­ner said. “Americart 2019 will explore what art means to Americans across the country.”

“#Americart2019 is the first of a new gen­eration of documentary film and series giving directly a voice to actual residents of small- and medium-size cities in America, with no filter, no preconceptions and no bias,” said CEO of Legit Productions and #Americart2019 Exec­utive Producer Pierre Gervois. We also want to encourage more domes­tic and international cultural travelers to discover the rich and di­verse cultural heritage of lesser known U.S. cities and counties.”

Possible organizations to be interviewed for the documentary include McPherson College’s Automotive Restoration Technology Program, McPherson’s Arts After School Program, the vocal programs at McPherson Middle School and McPherson High School, McPherson Opera House, McPher­son Museum, The Clay­works, Bethany College’s Swedish Crafts Program, Birger Sandzen Memo­rial Gallery and Maxwell Wildlife Refuge.

“After visiting with the film producers, we decided to focus on art education in our county,” Kirchner said.

The arts are supported and promoted through McPherson County’s public schools, liberal arts colleges and special­ized programs.

The Americart 2019 camera crew is scheduled to arrive on Aug. 24 and plans to film on Aug. 25 and 26.

“It will be an intense two days,” Kirchner said.

A public event for people to sign a canvas during the· documentary film crew’s stay is also in the works.

“This documentary will be used as a mar­keting tool to encourage travelers to explore art and culture through­out the United States,” Kirchner said.

The cost to participate in the documentary is $5,000, half of which will be covered by a grant from the McPher­son County Community Foundation, with addi­tional funding coming from the McPherson Convention & V1sitors Bureau.

‘We are in the process of identifying a local in­dustry for the remaining $1,250 needed,” Kirch­ner said.